Curriculum vitae

JUDr. Martin Krčma
Born 1963 in Prague
- - 1985 graduated from The Law Faculty of The Charles University in Prague
- - 1985 a notary assistant at The State Notary Office in Prague 9
- - 1987 a notary at The State Notary Office in Prague 6
- - 1993 appointed an independent notary in Prague
- - 1996 - 1999 a member of the Presidium of The Society of Notaries for the City of Prague and a chairman of its Legal Coordination Commission
- - 2004 guest placement in Germany
- 2007 The status of notaries and the courts - a traditional meeting of Notaries of the Czech Republic and Austria
- 2008 The terminology of notarial acts - the Czech-English terminology workshop of The Chamber of court interpreters CR
- 2008 Terminology of notarial acts - the Czech-German terminology workshop of The Chamber of court interpreters
- since the year 2006 , casual lectures for the employees of UniCredit Bank Czech Republic, a. s., (formerly HVB Bank Czech Republic, a. s.) with topic Essentials and Importance of Notarial Deeds as Security Means in Banking Practice are being held. Weight is given in particular to enforceable instruments and mortgage contracts.

JUDr. Daniela Soukupová
Born 1967 in Ostrava
Notary candidate, permanent deputy of JUDr. Martin Krčma
- - 1989 graduated from The Law Faculty of The Charles University in Prague
- - 1989 a clerk in the import department of Závody silnoproudé elektrotechniky, a.s. holding
- - 1991 an in-house lawer in the department of foreign trade protection in Závody silnoproudé elektrotechniky, a.s. holding
- - 1992 a lawyer of the Federal trade unions of power suppliers
- - 1999 a notary assistant of JUDr. Martin Krčma
- - 2005 a permanent deputy of JUDr. Martin Krčma
Mgr. Eva Poláková
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